Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week eight (very few photos but some exciting news!)

So since I spent the last week in NY and I found out Darth was on a no fly list I have very little to do here. I did however see Harry Potter from a fourth row seat. Yes I lived through every nerds dreams. Darth as mentioned before was all tied up.

But that doesn't stop us from having the greatest news of all time! Thats right people after just eight weeks I'm number one on Google if you search "Darth College" and here my mom thought I wouldn't do anything with my life. In fact she even sent me this text "you have a toy dependency. Better than chemicals or booze I guess" Thanks for the continuing support mom.

My Amazing girlfriend and I went to a Build-A-Bear.

We gave him a bath.

And we created what I know to be true the best bear of all time!

Meet Puppy Wan Kanobi. He is sure to be featured in this "number one on google" blog for a while.

I also met a celebrity in NY.

And since we didn't have much time to actually take pictures of toys I will leave you in the hands of my Girlfriends photography!

She is really talented as you can all tell.

And I will leave you with two new toys that will be featured in coming weeks.

My editor and chief will be around starting next week so look forward to that as well.

till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Because of you, I have done something I never did before. I googled "darth college" and sure enough. There you are. 1 and 2. So proud Nathan, for a while I've held you up to my kids as an example of why not to fear homeschooling (what with the Dean's list and all that) but now I'll hold you up as an example of how skipping the high school experience leads to being sure enough of yourself to not only play with toys into your 20's but to blog about it.
