Sunday, March 20, 2011

Third weekend and two new friends

This weekend went by very quickly so when Sunday came around and I had no photos I had to toss together some pictures. I finally used some toys that my girlfriend and I had laying around (yes I still see how awesome it is when your in college and have tons of toys)

So we first meet the new members of the gang. One doesn't need any introduction......

But we will get back to him later. First I also have to introduce Carter!

But he has one major flaw.

Thats right people, he hates kittens (just like my future roommates) But luckily that poor poor kitten has a protector.

Now back to Yoda, who for obvious reason has issues with Darth.


But since Darth lost his light saber he quickly called it quits.

And now to get rid of some of the rumors that have been going around YES Darth does do homework.

And since he has tests coming up these next two weeks he needs help.

Till next week.

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