Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fourth weekend and old friends are found again.

So now a month into our look at Darth's college life and still amazed I have more things to have him (and friends) do. Last week Darth proved to everyone that he did in fact study, this week I thought we should look at what he does in his free time.

He plays video games. Now the obvious question would be.

Yup he plays Lego Star Wars. But still he doesn't like that as much as.....

Thats right Lego Star Wars 2: the original trilogy. But then again he is a bit narcissistic. Iron man play games but on his Ipod touch.

Though he enjoys playing the guitar too.
and throwing costume parties but forgetting to invite anyone.

Darth though figure it out and came as a nerd.

I thought we would quickly have a look in on old friends we haven't seen in a while. Woody found himself a nice girl.

And little Woody and Buzz went on a trip to NY.

Darth after finding out his friends all had something going on felt a hole in his life. So he got a dog.

We have not told him its a balloon yet though. Mostly because.....

It turned into a REAL dog. After which he met a Meerkat who got along with Dug and a REALLY big dog.

And we end with a monkey on our backs.

 Till next week if I can come up with more.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Third weekend and two new friends

This weekend went by very quickly so when Sunday came around and I had no photos I had to toss together some pictures. I finally used some toys that my girlfriend and I had laying around (yes I still see how awesome it is when your in college and have tons of toys)

So we first meet the new members of the gang. One doesn't need any introduction......

But we will get back to him later. First I also have to introduce Carter!

But he has one major flaw.

Thats right people, he hates kittens (just like my future roommates) But luckily that poor poor kitten has a protector.

Now back to Yoda, who for obvious reason has issues with Darth.


But since Darth lost his light saber he quickly called it quits.

And now to get rid of some of the rumors that have been going around YES Darth does do homework.

And since he has tests coming up these next two weeks he needs help.

Till next week.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Second weekend.

So I have decided this is will a once a week blog due to being a college student and not having much time during the week to take pictures. This weekend I had a friend come to town and she brought Darth a new friend.....

And despite their obvious differences (aka Iron Man being a super hero while Darth is the biggest bad ass ever) they seem to get along

Darth this week decided he actually needed to do something that most college students would do. So we got a group together and played beer pong.

He couldn't really follow the elbow rule.......

But then come the thing that everyone in America (except Arizona) dreads....

Thats right DST. I mean who came up with that anyways? But Darth dealt with his stress better than most.

(don't look at the time)

Until next week!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First weekend

I guess I should start with two things. 1) I apologize now for any grammatical errors and 2) I am doing this for three reasons, one its fun (which should be why we do anything), two because it gives me a starting photographer a nice way to work on some mechanics (which is why this is going to be picture heavy) and three what else is a college student suppose to do with a Darth Vader alarm clock and a ton of toys that he and his girlfriend have collected over the past year?

So it was a pretty quite weekend with Darth that started with a nice glass of wine:

He then had to check what time it was (with my recently found then mysteriously stolen watch)

Seeing that he had to rush out and didn't want to get caught drinking and driving he popped some tic tacs.

And got back to drinking shortly afterwards. (always keep on eye on Darths chest to see how long I've been playing with toys)

And meeting up with friends...

Which including a very weird experience for woody.

And Darth never enjoys being second best to anyone goes on the offensive.
And reaps the benefits (aka stealing things from other people (again my watch))
Somehow when he wasn't paying attention someone might have done a little switching

 And then bump into someone who made his life very confusing.

And after a very confusing night of partying he needed to work out. So he got his trusty ipod and is breaking in his new shoes.

And finish his big weekend with a movie.

He still likes The Kings Speech better.